It is that time of year again! Coffee flavors turn to pumpkin spice, pumpkins are filling the fields and homes are transformed with décor to scare! Our favorite part about this time of year is that the sun goes down earlier which means the beauty of the city lights illuminate over the water just a little bit longer. Halloween can mean varies things to various individuals, but here at Solely Beachfront, we believe it is another way to bring people together on common grounds. Celebrating life, allowing the kids a day to have as much candy as their stomachs can hold, and a chance to enjoy the new season and wind down the previous year to allow for a little relaxation and family time! One of the most daunting things to for our Halloween lovers is how to determine how much candy to buy for the trick or treaters or which costumes should we wear as a unit, a pair or just purely for oneself. It is fun to be creative, nostalgic or just plan spine-chilling. So we thought we would help create some fun ideas for you this SPOOKY HALLOWEEN! 🙂
Family Fun Costume Idea’s:
Adam’s Family Alice & Wonderland
Pair or Couple Costume Idea’s:
Woody & Jessie Devil & Dark Angels
Just You Costume Idea’s:
Sabrina Zombie Skelton
We hope these idea’s help to spark some creative one’s of your own! Have a fun & Safe Halloween. From us here at Solely Beachfront! HAPPYYY HALLLOWEENN!